The National Energy Foundation (NEF) is excited to announce its first-ever education app, Energy Sidekick. This companion, to in-school programs, helps students be an energy expert at home. The mobile app provides games, augmented reality, and information to help students master energy efficiency.
While developing this education app, NEF had the goal of supporting students’ continued learning process at home. NEF is dedicated to cultivating and promoting an energy literate society. We find that students, eager to share and help at home, are an amazing resource in that effort.
Students learn about energy in school, then go home with an energy efficiency kit. The kit provides additional energy education and technologies to help them save energy at home. Now, students will also take home the Energy Sidekick app. This resource will help effectively teach their family members about energy as well as correctly install the energy-efficient technologies.
Energy Education App Favorite Features
Our favorite parts of this energy education app are the augmented reality games and installation instructions. Presenting energy savings in kWh and Therms can make it difficult to grasp how much energy is saved by replacing an incandescent lightbulb with an LED, or a standard shower-head with a low-flow shower-head. Through the use of augmented reality our education app helps students and families understand, in real-world examples, the savings they can garner by using energy-efficient devices. There are also step-by-step instructions, enhanced with augmented reality, to help families properly install their new devices.
Overall, learning about energy is core to NEF’s mission. We hope that the Energy Sidekick mobile app takes energy education from school-to-home in a fun & practical way.
At the present time this energy education app is available to students as part of our Think! Energy programs. If interested in sponsoring a Think! Energy program at schools in your region, please reach out to [email protected]